Thursday, August 11, 2016

Its been a long time......

Well it has been awhile since I have been on here........It has been so long I forgot my username and password. 

The last time I updated everyone the girls and I move to Kokomo -which we are still their- and David went to Madison WI. 
Madison was a beautiful place. 
I was blessed enough to get to go up there a couple times. 
They have a free Zoo, which is very cute. Lots of parks around with lots of walking trails. 
This was on the drive back. So blue and fluffy clouds with green grass!

David got a job offer there but we decided to turn it down so he could further his education. 

So to get everyone up to date David has taken an assignment to South Bend, IN. where he is only 2 hours away instead of 5. 
He has a roommate up there that has let him rent a room off him for when he works so many days in a row. 
He will be able to come home every Sunday and Monday which the girls are excited about. 

On to the girls they have started public school as of yesterday, which was very weird for me because all 4 of my girls went to school this year. 

It is BAD when your first goes to Kindergarten but I think it was worse when my BABY went to Kindergarten. Then she comes home from her first day saying school is boring!


I mean really...........
then she gets talking and starts getting more excited about the things that she has done.

 Her entire favorite thing about her class is that her teacher has a pink desk! 
Yes I repeat a pink desk. My kindergartner absolutely loves pink 

Then my first grader comes home and this is how the conversation goes.... 

Me -"Honey how was youuur" 
Me- "Well some buses don't have air" interrupted as i was saying air 
1st grader- "Theirs no air on the bus MOM" 
Me- " Okay other than that how was school?" 
1st grader- " THEIRS NO AIR ON THE BUS" okay so do not mention their is no air on the bus (it has been quite humid outside lately but its too funny)- check!!!

For anyone that has a prissy, drama queen 1st grader is laughing so hard because they have had this situation happen or can picture it. I love her dearly but some days her drama is to much and she is only 6! 

So to continue with my drama queen she gets off the bus today and she looks straight at me and says "NO AIR" i just laugh then she walks into our nice cooled house and slow motion walks to the couch and slowly sits down like she has just walked through the dessert, and says "Finally AIR" spoiled princess. LOL.  

So now I have an 8th, 4th, 1st, K! Oh I do not know where the time has gone. 

I am working full time as a housekeeper at a local Hotel. Its a nice place I do like the hours. Right now I am here when they get on the bus and here shortly after they get off the bus. Which does not make for a great paycheck but I will find something better.

 I am thinking about doing something even crazier and joining the elementary PTO
I know right! 
I think it would help me get to know the girls' school and teachers and other parents. Anyone have thoughts on that? 

I am also thinking about starting another Blog about my bad cooking? Any thoughts?

We are seriously blessed with the family that we have and very proud of all of them!

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